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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Rules Of The Air For Pilots


1. Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory.

2. Flying isn't dangerous. Crashing is what's dangerous.

3. It's always better to be down here wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were down here.

4. The ONLY time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.

5.The propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane used to keep the pilot cool. When it stops, you can actually watch the pilot start sweating.

6. A 'good' landing is one from which you can walk away. A 'great' landing is one after which they can use the plane again.

7. Always try to keep the number of landings you make equal to the number of take-offs you've made.

8 You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck.

9. In the ongoing battle between objects made of aluminum going hundreds of miles per hour and the ground going zero miles per hour, the ground has yet to lose.

10. Good judgment comes from experience. Unfortunately, the experience usually comes from bad judgment.

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